The Great Reveal

To find the power within is to see all that has been hidden from us…

5 min readSep 18, 2020
Image by Ethereaum on Pixabay

Could it be that after all these years, centuries even, that man has still not managed to fathom one simple thing? That we are more than just this body in this physical form. That we are more than just this consciousness at this moment in time. That we are consciousness growing, unfolding, expanding in every moment, in every time, in every planet and every cosmos. That we are everything and nothing, expanding and growing, living and loving, learning and forgetting, being and transcending with each beat of our heart and yearning of our soul. A soul that is ready to be laid bare, ready to seek, see, grow, be — be all that it can be and all that it can’t, all that it should be and all that it shouldn’t, all that it seeks and all that it doesn’t, for this is life, in all of its spectrums of colour and all of its unique and varying degrees of uniquity.

How bland and unconcise has man’s logic become that he would allow himself to be fed with the verbatim of those who seek to control him? How disempowered has man become to think that he is all that he can be? How blackened has man’s heart become as he sees mankind through the eyes of a stranger — the eyes of someone who does not care of the pain and suffering that his brothers and sisters have had to endure because those eyes are closed to the reality of who he truly is?

How I shed a tear for man, for all that he has lost and all that he has forgotten. For all that he is but does not know. For the power he willingly gives away as he makes his bed entangled in lies. As he finds comfort in the unexpansive awareness of nothingness and stays sound in his slumber. For who is man now? Controlled and bedraggled, spoilt and unknown, wounded and broken as he loses his connection to self and all that is.

And what great power is it that should keep man from knowing himself, really and truly, fully and honestly? What great power should keep man from fulfilling his dreams and living out the yearning of his soul? Oh mighty power, who might you be that stops man from seeing the light and knowing his worth? From connecting with the stars and dancing under the bustling power of the sun? What power do you hold over us that man should no longer know his worth or that happiness is a right of birth? That we should stay buried, deep in our slumber, drowning under the weight of fear and negativity, never seeing our place in the sun as it shines so brightly above us?

But what power do you hold now as the skies open upon us and ask us to recognise the portal of time that beckons us into its sweet arms? What power do you hold now as the revolution of consciousness now floods our hearts and floods our minds and asks us to grow in the bosom of its arms? What power do you hold now that humanity starts to open its eyes and see the lies that have held us captive for so very long?

Your power came from humanities blindness and unwillingness to see anything more than what you told us to see. It came from our unwillingness to see truth from the bed of lies that you told us to find comfort within. It came from our belief in the separation from all that there is and all that we can be, which you taught us to believe in unquestioningly. It came from competing against each other and in so doing, losing our true worth and compassion for both ourself and others. It came from allowing ourselves to be taught who we should be, instead of allowing ourselves to simply be. It came from putting our trust in a system that was not built to nurture and expand the power of the individual. It came from the lies that were woven so tightly that it was almost impossible to see through the fabric of those lies — almost impossible, but not quite, for there was a glitch in the matrix, indiscernible to the untrained eye, but once spotted, the tiny little thread that was pulled would start to unravel an entire system, bringing it to its knees with such ferocity that even those in the deepest slumber would have to acknowledge the magnitude of its unravelling.

The Great Reveal, forever prophesied and now ready to be seen. Forever spoken of but dismissed with man’s twisted, biased logic. A whole new world that can now be collectively created based on the yearning of each individual’s soul, coming together, in its expansiveness for the good of mankind. A world where we are free to express the very essence of who we are and who we can be. Where we can live freely in our uniqueness, letting go of the constraints of fear and separation. Where we make our choices straight from the heart, knowing that all that we choose will help in our expansion in this journey which we call life. Where we know who we are and who we are not. Where we live with passion, joy and trust and give willingly of ourselves to those who ask, knowing that all will come back threefold in the vibration of love. Where we know that we are all God’s creation, experiencing ourselves experientially in an ongoing circle of life.

A circle of life that expands and grows, lives and loves, empowers and diversifies, growing, growing, forever growing, forever being, forever knowing. A circle of life that encompasses all that we can be and all that we are, all that we give and all that we receive, all that wishes to be expressed through us. A circle of life that undoes all that we have been taught, in order for us to learn again, trust again, feel again. That allows us to free ourselves of the pain that has been caused and the torture that has been endured. That allows us to see that we were not free but that we can be and that the journey to set ourselves free is part of that circle, forever swirling, forever growing, all in line with the divine, all in line with our highest purpose, our truest self and truest form. For without this growth there can be no wisdom. And without this wisdom there can be no truth. No coming home, back to that which we were separated from. No seeing the truth of who we truly are as we reconnect back to that power which resides within. For we are The Kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever, Amen.




Author of THE SPIRIT OF LIFE & host of THE SPIRIT OF LIFE IN IBIZA podcast. Healer, Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Inspirational Speaker, Pioneer of Consciousness.